Among the maintenance activities that Managing Authorities are required to carry out is the removal of floating debris. In mountain reservoirs primarily used for hydroelectric purposes, the removal of logs and branches is crucial for safeguarding power plants.
For several years, Thetis Costruzioni Srl has been engaged in the removal of floating material—both vegetal and non-vegetal—using specialized boats that guide the debris toward an accessible shore. There, an excavator equipped with a clamshell grab loads the material into a roll-off container for disposal and recovery.
Non-degradable waste (paper, plastic, etc.) is manually sorted and stored in big-bag sacks for proper disposal.
Between 2018 and 2019, in the Rio Pusteria reservoir in Bolzano Province, 447 tons of organic material were recovered, over 90% of which was biomass. Additionally, 880 kg of plastic and other non-organic materials were properly disposed of.
Between October and November 2020, cleaning operations were carried out at the Monguelfo Dam (BZ), removing approximately 60 tons of wooden material, which was sent for composting, and about 150 kg of plastic waste, which was disposed of in a landfill.
Sabetta Dam 2012-2014 – Three-year maintenance framework agreement for the removal of floating debris